速報APP / 社交 / surespot encrypted messenger

surespot encrypted messenger





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:2995 55th Street, #18034 Boulder, CO 80308

surespot encrypted messenger(圖1)-速報App

Be sure no one else can see your messages. Use surespot and everything you send can only be read by the person you sent it to. Period. Everything sent using surespot is end-to-end encrypted with symmetric-key encryption (256 bit AES-GCM) using keys created with 521 bit ECDH shared secret derivation, but you wont notice because security in surespot is built-in, not a layer over something else. Be confident sending private information and pictures, you have control over your messages, when you delete a sent message it will be removed from the receiver's phone and images are not shareable unless you make them so. Multiple identities allow you to be who you want with just who you want, and if anyone gets annoying you can block them. Surespot does not require or store your phone number or email address and we don't mine your data, no advertisements here!

surespot encrypted messenger(圖2)-速報App

Encrypted Voice Messaging. If your eyes or hands are busy, your keyboard too cumbersome, or you just want to say it instead of type it- voice messages are sent with the same exceptional end to end encryption as the rest of your surespot messages. Simply hold down the microphone button to record your voice message and release to send.

surespot encrypted messenger(圖3)-速報App

Surespot uses your mobile data plan and Wi-Fi so you don’t get texting charges, especially important for those friends in other countries.

surespot encrypted messenger(圖4)-速報App

Surespot clients are OPEN SOURCE software, this creates transparency and invites peer review so you can be confident in our claims. If you wish to contribute/review you can find us on GitHub listed under 'surespot'.

surespot encrypted messenger(圖5)-速報App

We always appreciate your feedback and questions. Please contact us

surespot encrypted messenger(圖6)-速報App

Web https://www.surespot.me

surespot encrypted messenger(圖7)-速報App

Email support@surespot.me

Twitter @surespot

Facebook 'surespot'

Blog https://surespotencryptedmessenger.blogspot.com/